Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My Concept.

The struggle to intertwine fashion and justice as a career,
the struggle to live out the prayer of st francis whilst maintaining the love of ‘material’ things – such as clothing.

As evidenced through the hood, I believe that the process of cross pollinating fashion and this prayer of st francis is through humility, also called altruism - selflessness. Committing to doing good, the cape and the hood is a sign of submission – and for this good cause I submit to.

The frills on each garment symbolise my love of fashion, my love for ‘pretty things’, that cannot be tamed not dampened.

The straps on the other designs resemble the bondage and the oxymoron’s I sometimes think that fashion and justice are. But despite the opposites – on one garment it has been made possible, contrasting a swimsuit with a cape, frills against straps, and a hood...

in submission to a greater cause....

some more design thoughts

ok....just thought i'd upload some more design ideas...i'm getting really into capes and headpieces....and I'm delving into a concept that details my struggle to cross pollinate fashion and my heart for justice...a constant battle I have is trying to look out for the welfare of those less fortunate...whilst still trying to make beautiful garments (which i do love), but really, do what extent is that helping people AT ALL? just an insight into my mind. hope you enjoyed it.

ok so above are some drawings.....also hope you enjoy....


Sorry to use such strong language...but I am really getting quite annoyed with technical drawings. why why why are they so flipppping fricking hard!

i try free hand...its too messy...i try a french curve....too curvy...a straight ruler...too straight....

i can't wait to learn how to do them on illustrator! blessed be the day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

more pictures

some more inspiration....some design thoughts...

from poem to concept i uploaded the poem that I have taken my concept from.

pretty much...i am very passionate about human rights and treating others fairly, and this prayer genuinely sums up what i want to do with my life!

pretty simple!

I want to look into both sides of the prayer....the brokeness, the covered up pain, the humility, the contrasts, the opposites such as materialism and selfishness, and hopefully it will be able to be converted into a swimsuit!

I love the idea of mother theresa's head piece, this to me shows humility in willing to come down to people level and recognising we are all the same - i also love the idea of a cape so therefore have included that in my designs. The cape to me symbolises submission, to some form of authority. In terms of the prayer - i believe you either submit to doing one or the other. submission to wordly authority or to a higher authority such as god - which is the case in my instance as i'm a christian.

so........above are a few pictures that i have been drawing from for inspiration...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

prayer of st francis

Here is part of the song:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith ;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Changing blog sites i changed blogsites - nothing much was on the other one - this is a preview of it...

so the journey continues of getting my concept together, finding out which design suits what and how i would like to go about it all.

I have a fair few ideas about what i want to do. I love capes - the idea of concealing or humbling oneself to increase human welfare on a whole - and i think i will stick to this idea of design.