Tuesday, March 22, 2011

target consumer!

yay! i have been researching and researching what kind of person i am targeting with my product, or more so what type of consumer would want to pbuy my product.  The socially aware category or roy morgans values segment has divided the consumer up into 10 different categories.  The socially aware category fits PERFECTLY into what I had in mind, and now i must research research research what this will mean for me and my business, designs, colours etc.  Here is a little speel about the customer group:

Socially Aware© refers to a pattern of responses offered by people who are community minded and socially active. Information vacuum cleaners, this segment are always searching for something new and different and new things to learn. They believe strongly in the concept of learning a living rather than earning a living, always seeking new opportunities for training, education and knowledge. http://www.roymorgan.com/products/values-segments/socially-aware.cfm

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